Disrupt Your Innovation

Disrupt. Innovate. Think bigger, think differently! All valuable advice.  In fact, innovation is often listed as one of the most important focal points for any company.  It encourages growth, creates value for employees and customers and brings much-needed advancements to the field. Arguably, any of the greatest achievements in history have occurred because someone, somewhere … Continue reading Disrupt Your Innovation

On “The Annual Fund”

I'm honored to have been invited to speak at the AFP Silicon Valley chapter.  The topic?  My favorite:  The Annual Fund Isn't Annual. I'm equally as honored that there were so many responses to a random Twitter question I posted: I mean, goodness, Simone Joyaux even blogged about it! The over-arching, most common themes and … Continue reading On “The Annual Fund”

On Gratitude and Culture

I love this question from Tim Sarrantonio at Neon. Do we think enough about what gratitude is, what it means and how we truly express gratitude to our donors?  Sure, we talk about donor retention rate and the crisis it is in our sector, but do we really, truly express gratitude? Or are we implementing … Continue reading On Gratitude and Culture

Are You Literally Losing Donors?

Yes. Thank you for attending my TED talk. OK, let me elaborate.  If you're not proactively managing your data, you are literally losing donors and letting real money walk out the door. And I'm not talking about the general and to-be-expected lapsing donors, or donor retention rates.  I'm talking about just the data itself - … Continue reading Are You Literally Losing Donors?

Rant on Retention

I like to think that professionals in all fields get together and rant and complain about their profession.  I have to believe that there are forums for pipe fitters and physician's assistants and marketers to get together and go, "They're hiring people with no experience as experts! Nobody takes the profession seriously!  These CEOs think … Continue reading Rant on Retention